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Helping You Obtain Spousal Support

Throughout your marriage, you grew accustomed to your lifestyle. You and your family have a routine and a particular way of living. Now that you are getting divorced, you worry about your future. Your financial stability is uncertain, and that concerns you.
At Caffee Law Office, our attorney will work with you to seek spousal support as part of your divorce settlement.

Understanding How Support Is Determined

Alimony is not always awarded in divorce proceedings. The Wisconsin courts look at several factors when deciding if spousal support will be necessary. It is important that you work with an experienced lawyer to ensure that you are presenting yourself and your needs accurately.

When determining supposal support eligibility, the court considers many factors:

  • The length of time the couple was married
  • The age and health of both parties
  • How marital assets are being divided and the amount of money each spouse will have after the divorce
  • The education and earning capacity of both parties
  • Any tax consequences support will cause to either spouse
  • If there are any terms in a prenuptial agreement
  • The ability of each spouse to be self-supporting
  • The amount of money each party made as a couple

Your family and needs are unique. We will look into your circumstances to see if there are any outstanding factors the judge should be made aware of and present a strategy that is unique to you.

Let’s Secure Your Financial Stability

We want you to start your new life off right. Your future is important to us, and what happens right now has a great impact on it. Schedule your free consultation with us today. Call us at 715-318-2533 to speak with our attorney. We are located in Eau Claire but proudly serve the surrounding communities.

Real, Honest Representation For Real, Hardworking People