Protecting You In All Types Of Drug Crime Cases
Drug offenses are handled by the courts, with a conviction on a drug charge carrying extensive jail time and large monetary fines. That conviction will also remain on your permanent criminal record for your lifetime, impacting many aspects of your life. The information would be available to potential employers, financial institutions (in the event you attempt to obtain a loan) and prospective landlords, among other members of the general public.
When you are facing drug charges and your future is at stake, we can help. Our attorney at Caffee Law Office is highly experienced and insightful in criminal defense matters, including drug crimes. Your case will be carefully examined and investigated, and your questions will be answered. Our firm works to provide clients with all of the information they need on the drug charges they are facing, their rights under the law and all of the legal options available to them.
Defending Your Rights In And Out Of Court
It is important to know that the consequences for a conviction on a drug charge can vary depending on the type of crime, the type of drug and the amount of the drug in question. We will take the time to explain the types of consequences you may be facing and the strategy we intend to implement when seeking justice on your behalf. Our firm is committed to providing clients with aggressive defense against all types of drug-related crimes that involve all types of drugs, including:
Regardless of the type of charge you are facing, our firm is ready to fight for you. In certain situations, we may be able to minimize the impact of the charges against you. Our attorney is an articulate negotiator who, when possible, will work with the prosecution to seek a plea to lesser charges or a dismissal of the charges altogether. Our services also include representing children and minors in juvenile crime matters, as their futures are especially affected by charges and convictions.
Get Started With A Free Consultation
Do not hesitate to take action if you have been charged with a drug crime. Call us today at 715-318-2533 or contact our office online to discuss your case with a skilled defense attorney. Located in Eau Claire, we proudly advocate for individuals throughout all surrounding areas in Wisconsin.