When a Wisconsin family court judge issued a final decree for your divorce, you may have felt mixed emotions. Even if you were the spouse who filed the initial petition, coming to terms with major changes in life is not always easy. Especially if you’re a parent, you...
Understand types of child custody before proceedings
When you file for a divorce in a Wisconsin court, it sparks numerous changes in your life, especially if you’re a parent. The last thing you want to have happen is to show up in court lacking knowledge of state laws or guidelines that will have an impact on your...
Will the US adopt new divorce laws?
Before you made the decision to go your separate ways, you and your spouse may have had some trigger issues between you that often would lead to arguments. For instance, you may have fought about money all the time or issues concerning your children’s well-being. Such...
Understanding Wisconsin divorce rules
When you decide to end your relationship rather than stay in an unhappy marriage, you activate a series of events that includes having to resolve various issues concerning property, finances and other important topics. Wisconsin is one of only nine states that operate...
Avoid child custody conflict with these 5 tips
If there were a book with information to guarantee how to avoid co-parenting problems in divorce, every Wisconsin parent who is preparing for or has recently navigated proceedings would want a copy. If you’re worried about child custody disputes, there are several...
5 Tips to help create a solid child custody plan
Whether you and your spouse have one child or several, you’ve no doubt encountered challenges as parents when you disagree about a specific child-related issue. For instance, perhaps your teenage son or daughter wanted to attend an overnight party at a friend’s house...
Will this be your first holiday season after divorce?
If you were to survey all Wisconsin households in your area, you’d likely find that many families have encountered challenges in their relationships during 2020 or in years past. Perhaps you’re one of many people in the state who are navigating or recently settled a...
How to ask for a prenuptial agreement without harming your relationship
Even if you’re convinced that a prenuptial agreement is a must, your partner may not feel the same way. And for this reason, discussing the creation of a prenup before your wedding is easier said than done. When the time comes to discuss a prenuptial agreement with...
Steps you should take to assert your rights as a Wisconsin father
Dads play a critical role in guiding and supporting their children through the early years of their lives and beyond. As an unmarried father living in Wisconsin or as someone who will soon become a father, you probably want to be there for your child and offer them...
OWI outcomes depend on the circumstances
You may have a friend who was arrested and charged with an OWI, and the penalties did not seem that severe: a fine of a few hundred dollars and restricted driving privileges. This is not a sign that you should take an OWI charge lightly. In fact, your circumstances...
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