If there were a book with information to guarantee how to avoid co-parenting problems in divorce, every Wisconsin parent who is preparing for or has recently navigated proceedings would want a copy. If you’re worried about child custody disputes, there are several things you can do, not only to try to avoid arguments but legal problems, as well.
If you and your ex get along well, it will likely be easier for you to avoid custody-related problems than it might be for two parents whose relationship is contentious. It’s not uncommon for disagreements to arise in a co-parenting situation, however, which is why it’s helpful to learn more about ways to communicate in an amicable fashion for the sake of your children.
Don’t discuss child custody issues when you’re upset or angry
You’ve no doubt heard it said that a person is “adding fuel to the fire” when he or she intentionally does or says something that is likely to cause trouble with another person. When your goal is to cooperate and compromise with your children’s best interests in mind, it’s never a good idea to discuss custody issues with your ex if one of you is upset or mad about something.
Unless it’s an emergency, it’s better to reschedule a meeting until you’re certain that you can control your emotions. If, however, the meeting you were supposed to have was ordered by the court, then you must attend, unless you have the court’s permission to reschedule.
New romantic partners don’t need to be included for every discussion
There’s a chance that you or your ex may enter a relationship with someone new after your divorce. The two of you, however, are the parents of your children and will always need to interact regarding their well-being. This doesn’t mean that you have to include new romantic partners in your meetings.
In some cases, it might be best to have a private conversation with just the two of you, unless you have both agreed that you would like another person to be present.
Electronic versus in-person correspondence
If you and your ex have trouble getting along, you’re definitely not alone in your struggle. This is common among parents who divorce. To avoid co-parenting conflicts, you might want to avoid in-person communication, especially if you tend to argue every time you’re in a room together.
There’s nothing wrong with agreeing to correspond via email or text messaging. If you’re the type of person who wants to have discussions face-to-face, you can opt for a virtual meeting rather than meeting in person. It’s easier to disconnect from an online meeting than to diffuse an in-person confrontation.
There’s no need to handle legal problems on your own
After your divorce, you and your ex will hopefully be able to resolve child custody issues in a peaceful and cooperative fashion. If a specific issue arises that you don’t feel equipped to handle on your own, you should never hesitate to reach out for additional support.